HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Module

The HC-SR04 module measures the distance to an object by emitting an ultrasonic pulse and receiving the reflected signal. By calculating the delay between the pulse emission and its reflection, the device determines the presence and distance of objects. The ultrasonic emitter sends 8 signals at a frequency of 40kHz, which are reflected by objects and detected by the sensor's microphone.

This module can measure distances ranging from 3 cm to 350 cm with an accuracy of 2 mm, making it an ideal choice for distance measurement, proximity sensing, and ultrasonic detection applications.

Technical Parameters


HC-SR05 Precision Ultrasonic Sensor Module

The HC-SR05 module determines the distance to an object by emitting an ultrasonic pulse and receiving the reflected signal. By calculating the delay between the pulse emission and its reflection, the device determines the presence and distance of objects. The ultrasonic emitter sends out signals at a frequency of 40kHz, which are reflected by objects and detected by the sensor's receiver.

This module can measure distances ranging from 2 cm to 450 cm with an accuracy of 2 mm, making it an ideal choice for distance measurement, proximity sensing, and ultrasonic detection applications.

Technical Parameters


KY-032 Obstacle Avoidance Sensor Module

The KY-032 obstacle avoidance sensor module includes a transmitter, which is an infrared LED, and a receiver, which is a photodiode. The LED emits an infrared pulse, and if an obstacle is present in the path of the radiation, the pulse is reflected back to the photodiode.

This sensor can detect obstacles by adjusting its sensitivity, which is done by changing the LED's brightness and the photodiode's threshold. The left trimmer (on the contact side) adjusts the obstacle sensing distance, while the right trimming resistor adjusts the frequency of the emitted IR pulse.

Technical Parameters
